Telling-Stories Magazine is an independent online magazine connected to the first-year Bachelor course Telling Stories at University College Maastricht (UCM).
In this course, students focus on creative writing in connection to literary analysis. Each year, up to ten of the finest stories are selected by the Course Team for publication in
Telling-Stories Magazine is an independent online magazine connected to the first-year Bachelor course Telling Stories at University College Maastricht (UCM).
In this course, students focus on creative writing in connection to literary analysis. Each year, up to ten of the finest stories are selected by the Course Team for publication in this magazine.
The goal is to provide a platform for aspiring creative writers at UCM.
The stories are published in the rough, with only minor edits, showcasing the work as students have submitted it.
Trigger Warning
Literary fiction spans a wide range of human emotions and experiences and thus engages with challenging subject matters. Please note the stories on this site might thus touch on topics and experiences that some readers might experience as triggering. The stories are not intended for nor suitable for children.
No Responsibility Disclaimer
Telling-Stories Magazine and its editors assume no responsibility for the content of the stories nor do they assume any responsibility regarding any harm or cause of action, direct or indirect, resulting from reading them. In no event will Telling-Stories Magazine total liability.
The course Telling Stories and this Magazine has been developed and coordinated by Josje Weusten (PhD).
Josje is a writer of speculative and contemporary literary fiction living in Belgium.
Her shorts have appeared in Litbreak Magazine, Low Hanging Fruit Literature & Art, and Flash Fiction Magazine.
Her work has been nominated for Best
The course Telling Stories and this Magazine has been developed and coordinated by Josje Weusten (PhD).
Josje is a writer of speculative and contemporary literary fiction living in Belgium.
Her shorts have appeared in Litbreak Magazine, Low Hanging Fruit Literature & Art, and Flash Fiction Magazine.
Her work has been nominated for Best Small Fiction 2023.
Her first novel Fake Fish, a near-future story on the devastating impact of fake news, will be released on November 14, 2024, with Sparsile Books (Glasgow, UK).
Josje is a Faber Academy London alumna. Next to a writer, Josje is an academic, teaching literature and creative writing at Maastricht University.
Author website: https://josjeweusten.com/
*Picture curtesy of Photographer Eric Bleize, who makes the most beautiful images.*
All rights to the stories are retained by the authors.
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